Being a Mom During the Coronavirus

A Mother’s Day Tribute

What other way to start this off than by saying “wow.” We have all been affected by COVID-19 in one way or another, and we have all managed it in different, creative ways. This is my tribute to all mothers, and to all of the stories I have heard, witnessed, and seen. Being a mother during quarantine is being the backbone for her children, in so many different ways. And I hope one day in the future, we can look back on this and be proud of each other.

Being a mother is……

  • making decisions we never had to before
  • it’s deciding whether or not your kids should see their grandparents, and if not, breaking that news to them
  • it’s watching your children miss out on milestones…proms, graduations,… and comforting them through it, even though you feel helpless
  • it’s being pregnant and worrying about how are going to keep your new little life safe
  • it’s worrying about how you are supposed to make ends meet, because your consistent income, isn’t so consistent anymore
  • it’s having to work from home and provide childcare at the same time, trying to have your children understand that mommy has to work, “mom guilt” is real
  • it’s watching your adult children struggle with juggling everything from work to kids, and wondering what it is exactly, you can do to help…. from six feet away
  • it’s watching your partner work as an essential employee, praying they stay safe out in the unknown
  • it’s being an essential employee, praying you are able to keep your family safe
  • it’s feeling like you have everything under control, and then crying five minutes later
  • it’s deciding whether or not to send your kids from daycare, trying to keep your kids as safe as possible
  • it’s being terrified you’ll get sick, because if you can’t take care of yourself, how will you take care of your children?
  • it’s having an immunocompromised child, and praying you are making all of the right decisions to keep them safe
  • it’s having to homeschool your children, teaching yourself how to be the teacher
  • It’s hoping your adult children are safe and taking precautions to keep themselves safe
  • it’s having to adapt to this ever changing situation, giving the word “flexible” a whole new meaning
  • it’s praying for all of the other mothers who are going through struggles and hardships and losses worse than you are

Being a mother is also…..

  • being given this gift of time, time to bond, time to love
  • it’s watching siblings spend time together that otherwise wouldn’t have been
  • it’s coming up with creative ideas to keep your kids busy, and being proud of this new creativity you never thought you had
  • it’s being a full-time mommy, being given this opportunity to see your child ride her bike for the first time, say new words, take first steps
  • it’s giving “home sweet home” a literal meaning
  • it’s giving an appreciation to what a “hug” actually carries
  • it’s being in this together, across the world

It’s celebrating Mother’s Day

So kudos to you mama, for all you do, for all of your endeavors and hardships, for making the world go ’round for your families. This is definitely a Mother’s Day that we will always remember.


Love, Brittany

Pinning is loving!

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