Breastfeeding Essentials: 11 Must-Haves for Success.

Hey y’all! As I end my breast milk donation journey, I thought it would be appropriate to write up a post on the area of breastfeeding. As a mom of two babies who were breastfed, and as a breast milk donor, I learned the ropes on how to be a successful breastfeeding mother who works full-time. Not to get into the details on the differences I experienced with my first vs second born (check out my post on How to Build a Surplus of Breast Milk with Ease), my breastfeeding journey with my second, was BY FAR more enjoyable. So here is my list of the right tools for you to have that experience too!

1. The Haakaa



Ladies, this is my number one recommendation for breastfeeding moms, and I highly recommend owning two.  During my entire maternity leave of 11 weeks, I did not have to hook myself up to an electric pump once!  I used the two haakaas together whenever I needed to pump, which occurred during our long distance road-trip, etc.  It also tricked my body into making milk for two babies, as I used the Haakaa at almost every feeding at the beginning.  I never, ever had to worry about my breast milk stash running out, and in addition to fully breastfeeding my now 1 year old, I have donated 6000 ounces of breast milk!  If you are interested in how I made this happen, check out my “How to build a surplus of breast milk post here.  I plan to write up a more detailed post on how to use the Haakaa, and my routine over the course of the year for pumping, so stay tuned!


2.  Medela Nipple Shield

So at the beginning of breastfeeding, the nipple area will become so tender, and the skin may even crack.  It can be very painful for about the first 2 to 3 weeks as they toughen up to their new “normal.”  When this happens, one thing that I used was a nipple shield.  Lactation consultants do not recommend using these as they can cause nipple confusion, however, this was not an issue for me.  I used it for a short period of time, intermittently, so my baby did not become attached to it.  It can provide relief during those painful first days, while still being able to feed and get your production regulated.  With that said, my first baby was born early and would not latch, so I used the nipple shield for the entire year!  So it can be done if needed!!

*you will want to make sure that the pain is not related to the baby’s latch, consulting with a lactation consultant will help if you are not sure*


3.  A Nursing Bra


I felt like my boobs were out 90% of the time when I was on my maternity leave, haha!  So finding something to wear that promotes easy access is a game changer.  I used and still use this bra while I am at home.  It is comfy and easy to use.  It’s all I wore during the first few weeks, especially since any fabric rubbing on the nipple area did not feel good.  This bra will help with that as it provide a layer between the breast and the fabric of a shirt or dress.  I also wore this to sleep, since babies wake up all of the time to eat at night and sleeping without a top on was not an option because even feeling the sheets rubbing against them was awful!

4.  Lanolin Cream


A must have for the breast feeding mom!  I feel like a broken record when I say the first few weeks are painful, but they were for me and I religiously used lanolin cream after every feeding to keep that area from getting dry.  Prevention and pushing through the pain is key for getting through those first few weeks, but you can do it!

5.  Mother’s Milk Storage Bags

This is necessary if you are going to try to build any kind of breast milk stash, or if you are going to be pumping at work.  I’ve used the Lansinoh brand, and the Parent’s Choice brand.  What I can tell you is the Parent’s Choice brand is more durable.  If you use the Lansinoh bags and are not freezing your bags flat, upon thawing, I noticed some of my bags leaked because they were busted.  This is not to say either brand is bad, but if you do decide to use the Lansinoh storage bags, make sure you freeze them flat and aren’t rough with them when you are moving them around in your freezer.

6.  A Pumping Bra

This is necessary for having a hands-free pump session at work.  This bra has been awesome!  I put it on and start pumping away, and I can still use my hands to eat my lunch, work on my computer, etc.  It zips in the front and Velcros in the back to accommodate different sizes.  It has been very durable!  

7.  A Nursing Cover

I am kind of particular when it comes to nursing covers.  I’ve tried a few and the best one that I have has a single strap that is adjustable that goes around my neck.  It is a thinner fabric so the baby doesn’t get too hot underneath and I am able to maneuver it the most.  It is simple and I highly recommend.

8.  An Electric Breast Pump

I have used the Medela and I have used the Spectra.  Hands down, I recommend the Spectra.  It has more setting options for let-down, for strength of the suction, and for speed.  They also have a rechargeable option that is important to think about if you may be pumping in an area that may not have access to an outlet, like the bathroom, or your car.  I’m glad I spent the extra money for that feature, as I pump in all sorts of places and don’t have to stress about finding an outlet.

9.  A Breast Pump Bag

This doesn’t have to be any specific kind of bag.  It just has to be big enough to fit your pump, your pump accessories, storage bags, and pumping bra.  I was given an extra diaper bag at one of my baby showers and I have used it both times now and it has worked out perfectly.

10.  A mini-fridge or high quality cooler

Don’t forget, when you place your milk into your storage bags they need to be placed in a refrigerator/freezer.  According to research, bacteria grew in breast milk at normal temperatures after 7 hours.  The recommendation is also to use freshly pumped milk that has been placed in the fridge within 3 days, and from freezer to fridge within 24 hours.

11.  Bandeau Bra

So my use for this bra was specifically for the shower.  As mentioned multiple times in this post, the beginning of breastfeeding is painful on the nipples!  My “alone” time during my maternity leave, consisted of basically taking two showers a day because it was time to myself and was supposed to be relaxing.  But with the water hitting the nipple area, it was hard to bare!  So I started wearing this bra in the shower and it worked like magic.  I got to enjoy the time to myself, as any mom should!


I hope this list has helps and makes your breast feeding journey an easier and enjoyable one!  I find that the more prepared I am, the calmer I am, so I hope you can feel more relaxed about your journey too!


Are there other items that I forgot to mention that you used?  Please let me know!  I’d love to hear from you!


Happy Home Sweet Home!
Love, Brittany

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