Heart of A Mountain Mama {First Blog Post!}

Hey Y’all!

I am so excited to have officially launched my lifestyle and mommy blog.  It has been a huge learning curve for me and something I have wanted to achieve for a long time.  So with that, thank you for visiting my page and supporting me!

When I became a mommy, I truly felt like I was given this deep, heartfelt, connection to all of the mommies and daddies in the world.  It’s one of those experiences that you don’t truly know until you have lived it.  The sleepless nights, the innocent kisses, the messy house, the cozy cuddles.  Becoming a mom has truly been one of the hardest, yet most rewarding experiences of my life.  I wouldn’t change it for the world.

My daughter is now almost 2 years old, and I have learned so much!  I feel like this blog is happening at the most perfect time of my life, in that I am pregnant with my second child (a boy!) and can take what I have learned with my first child and perfect it with my my second baby.  I have always told my husband that I feel like I have so much knowledge to share with the world!  And if I can make someone else’s life a little easier, then my heart will be full.


My motto for this blog is “inspiration for the mama who loves her home sweet home.”  I wanted a phrase that encompasses the “life” of a mother and for me that includes a “home sweet home” full of family, decoration, crafts, home improvement, cooking, real-life stories, and wonderful memories in the making.

My husband and I bought our home in 2015.  It’s a two story farmhouse on 5 acres and it was built in 1930.  {The story:  Initially, we were too late on putting an offer on the house that we had to put in a back-up offer.  We were so disappointed that we had missed our opportunity.  Months went by and I received a call from our realtor, who told us the initial buyers backed out and our back-up offer had been accepted!  I felt all the emotions!  To make a long story short(er), our house chose us, and we have been giving it tender love and care ever since we moved in.}  It has been a long road of hard work, but we have truly made our house a home that we love.

With all of my experiences with home renovating and decorating, DIY crafts, and becoming a mommy, I have so much to share (now I just need to find the time to put it all on this blog, haha ♥).

Thank you so much for joining me on my new journey with this blog.  I hope to create something beautiful that other mommies will love.

Thanks for reading!

Love Y’all,

“Happy Home Sweet Home”
