Motherhood in 10(ish) pictures

I recently was “tagged” by a friend on Facebook to do a 10-day being a mom challenge where you are supposed to post a picture of a day in the life of a mom, for 10 days, without having to put any explanation. When I got to thinking about it, I thought about how special it would be if it was put together in a post. But I also thought about how special it would be if each picture DID have an explanation, a description of what was REALLY going on behind the scenes.

If you know me, you know that I am super obsessed with pictures, I take way too many (to some people) all of the time. I honestly believe all of my picture taking will be a way to save my memory one day and I love that we have all of these different ways to document our life.

So, I went through thousands of pictures, and boy I tried to get it down to 10 pictures, but with two kids and truly picking the pictures that are both important to me and look into the life of being a mom, I ended up with 22. I know, an odd number, right? I was lucky to get it down to even that. I really tried to aim for 20, but I just couldn’t get rid of any more. And since this is my own blog, why not make my own rules (haha!).

It was really special, going back through all of the pictures since becoming a mom, and I really recommend doing this fun task for all of the mamas out there. It’s a neat way to see what triumphs you’ve made it through, and all of the love you’ve given to your little ones. And with that said, and in chronological order, here goes!

This post contains a few affiliate links. If you should purchase products through these links, I will receive a small profit at no additional cost to you. Thank you for supporting my blog.

Picture #1


This is one of my most special and favorite pictures. You just never forget the day that you become a mom, an honor only given to all of the first borns. I love the emotion that is captured as my little girl was placed on my chest. I was so happy to finally meet her and as I mentioned in her birth story, it was truly love at first sight, and the beginning of the forever journey of motherhood.

Picture #2


Ember came into the world four weeks early, and FOUR days before her baby shower. You could easily say that I was FREAKING OUT. I was lucky to have most of my hospital bag packed, but I felt so unprepared! Needless to say, we rescheduled the baby shower, and that is where this picture was taken. I think she just wanted to be in attendance as the main attraction (which still holds true today! HAHA!).

Picture #3


It doesn’t get much more real than this! I’m even embarrassed about how dirty my mirror is!!! I was a sleep-deprived, breastfeeding mom going back to work full-time. I needed to document what it was like having to breastfeed my little one while trying to get ready and be decently on time! But let me tell you, this Baby K’tan Wrap saved me. A friend of mine had let me borrow one with my first child and I loved it so much that I bought one with my second child. I highly recommend!! I was able to breastfeed while doing my make-up, brushing my teeth, doing my hair, etc.!

Picture #4


This picture gives me all the feels. It is a photos that would be on my husband’s list of pictures if he did this, but I wanted to include it in mine. I captured this picture when my husband returned home from fighting the Gatlinburg fires. He was called in at the end of one of his 24 hour shifts and it led to an additional two days of worrying about him. I had just started back to work and I remember having to bring little Ember to work with me for those few days. It was an overall stressful few days filled with worry and I was thankful and relieved when it came to an end. This picture shows how happy Ember was to see her daddy when he came home. It brought so much joy as a mother to see her eyes light up this way, and to see her love her daddy so much.

Picture #5


So every year, I look forward to the Black Friday ads that come out. I literally make an excel spreadsheet of what I want to buy at which place, when the store opens, when I can shop that store online, etc., etc., etc… I skipped going the year that I had Ember (she was only two months old), and the next year (when this picture was taken) my husband would be on shift. So I decided that Ember and I could take it on together. I seriously will never forget hearing people talk about me as I walked by, saying things like “I wouldn’t bring my baby out in this mess.” Let me just say, if you see mothers out in the madness of Black Friday with there babies, empathize with them. I promise you, if they HAD a choice to bring their babies or to leave them home, the choice would be easy. As a mom on a budget, I know all of the great deals you can find on Black Friday that help with making Christmas special. So out into the madness we went, and she did great :).

I used my Tula carrier for AT LEAST the first 18 months of Ember’s life. It was so durable and functional for so many different activities. It carried the weight well and I still highly recommend it.

Picture #6

“Surrounded by Love, and Clothes”

This photo was taken after Ashen’s baby shower. I wanted to include this picture because it’s a moment I’ll never forget. My husband and little Ember were both in bed, the house was quiet and I went through all of Ashen’s gifts. It was like Christmas morning for me, and a moment I was able to have for myself, with my baby boy in my belly. I felt so much love sitting there looking at all of the clothes that he had been given and I felt a sense of comfort with how much more “prepared” I felt with this baby vs. when Ember arrived early :).

Picture #7

“Let me hold you forever”

As moms, we have to prioritize when to clean the house, when to play with our children, when we need to cook, when we need to prepare for the next day, the list seems endless sometimes. But when our kids our sick, it’s like nothing else matters. It’s not very often that we get pictures of us caring for our sick babies, which is why this photo absolutely made the cut. I want my kids to look back and remember that I was there for them “in sickness and in health” you could say, and to know that there was no where else that I wanted to be in those moments when time stood still.

Picture #8


This picture was taken by my favorite photographer, Mitchell Bain, during my maternity shoot, and it has always been one of my absolute favorites. He was able to capture such happiness. Ember didn’t want to leave me alone, and I obviously found it amusing. It’s the perfect “mom” picture. We are very much in a “needed” stage when we have little ones 3 years and under. It can often become so tiring by the end of the day, but one day, we won’t be so needed. When I think about that, tears fill up in my eyes. All we can do as mamas, is try. Accept that we are tired and “touched out,” but still try to take in all the moments too, knowing that they won’t last for forever.

Picture #9


If there is anything us mamas learn, it’s how to entertain. This photo is included simply for the fact that in motherhood, we have to learn how to improvise. Bath toys for the bath, you say? I think we will gather all of the necklaces we own in the house instead. HAHA! And let me just say, she was happy :).

Picture #10

“Mama Bear”

When Ashen was born, I embraced the title of “mama bear.” Partly because the “northwoods forest” theme of his baby shower and nursery, but also because it felt right. I experienced love at first sight, for a second time. There are very few moments that can top the day your child was born. I think about this day often, and am truly thankful for the wonderful experiences that I have had. He will always be my baby bear.

Picture #11

“Let’s Cuddle”

This picture was taken just three days after Ashen was born. I was on a ‘high’ and truly enjoying the start of my maternity leave with this little guy. Cuddling was our absolute favorite thing to do. I look back fondly on my maternity leave with Ashen, as it was full of so many great moments. It also helped that he was such a great baby :).

Picture #12

“Mommin’ All Day”

This picture was the day Ashen got his first bath. But that isn’t why I included this picture. Yes, first baths are special, but not special enough to make it into the top 20 pictures of being a mom. I included this picture because of how TIRED I was, and you can see it here. I was so happy and I was SO tired. I remember thinking “I can’t believe that you can’t die from being tired.” As moms, we just keeping moving forward, taking the great moments with the sleepless nights. It only makes us stronger.

Picture #13

“Big Sister”

Gosh, I had a difficult time deciding which picture I wanted to choose for this. It was definitely between the first time Ember met Ashen in the hospital, or this one. In the end, I had to pick, and I chose the picture that showed her face the most. The “awe” she had for him was so priceless. I can remember, Ember would want to hold her brother so bad, so we helped her. She would sit down and say “hug” and hold out her arms. Well there was this one time, where we put Ashen in her arms, and he started to cry and she looked up at us with tears in her eyes! She sad FOR him. It was the first time we had witnessed empathy from her and it is something that I will never forget. Tears filled up in my eyes to witness such special emotion from such a little girl.

Picture #14


I absolutely loved this moment of being a mommy! Putting make up on my little princess for the very first time (which literally only entailed of lipstick and blush) was so much fun and she was so excited about it! She was getting ready to have her first recital pictures taken and she absolutely loved getting all prettied up. So yes… this picture had to be a part of this post :).

Picture #15

“By My Side”

Baby girl really struggled through her first two years of life with ear infections. This picture was from New Year’s Eve, when she had to get a P.E. Tube replaced (for the third time!). This time though, mommy went solo with her, since we had to get done before the end of the year (blah, insurance) [way to cut it close!], and daddy had to be at work. I took this picture after Ember drank her “happy juice” [they need to sell that to adults!], and she was relaxed, and tired. I cuddled with her on her bed, with her rainbow bear, before she was taken back. At every surgery she has had, I’ve cried when she was taken away, but we survived just fine.

Picture #16


There were occasions when my husband had to pick up Ashen from my work place when he got off shift, and there were occasions when I had office time and had to bring the little guy to work with me. He would lay between my legs in his rock-n-play under my desk, haha! And obviously he was pretty happy about it. Just another picture to represent that sometimes “you just gotta do what you gotta do.”

Picture #17

“Off to Day-Care”

This picture was taken just a few days before Ashen started Day Care. He was joining his sissy. I remember how much I CRIED AND CRIED when I left Ember at Day Care for the first time, I felt so guilty. This time was a little different. Ashen didn’t scream when I left him the way Ember screamed. In fact, he didn’t scream at all, and I didn’t shed a single tear. I wanted to include this because in motherhood, we see chapters begin and chapters end, on countless occasions, and we will until the end of forever.

Picture #18

“I’ll Rock You To Sleep”

This picture was taken right before Easter. I brought my kids to my parent’s house to paint Easter eggs. Ashen wasn’t feeling well at all, so I sat in the living room and rocked him while Ember painted Easter eggs in the kitchen with my family. I knew that I was where I was supposed to be, but my heart wanted to be in two places at the same time. I remember I cried afterwards because I missed those moments with Ember enjoying painting Easter eggs. As a mother juggling two children, sometimes we have to ask ourselves “which child needs me most right now?” and at that time it was Ashen. I knew Ember was having a great time, but I selfishly wanted to be with her too. Sickness is awful to deal with, especially when your babies are too young to be able to tell you what is wrong. It throws a huge wrench into any plans or expectations and that is something I have learned over and over again.

Picture #19

“Super Mom”

I debated on whether or not I wanted to include this picture because, well, it’s pretty obvious. But I am pro-breastfeeding all the way and I love the normalize breastfeeding movement that has been growing. Breastfeeding is a commitment for sure, and while it is so rewarding, it is also so exhausting. Definitely check out my It’s OK not to love breastfeeding post. I was so glad that my husband was able to capture this picture for me. I truly did feel like super mom, giving Ember lovins’ while nursing Ashen. There is enough mama to go around!

Picture #20

“I’m So Proud of You”

I grew up dancing. When I hear music, it’s like it travels through my body and all I want to do is dance. Needless to say, when Ember started dancing before she could even walk, my heart exploded. She lives and breathes dancing and I have absolutely loved watching her. She started dance class right before she turned 2 years old and this picture was after her first Spring recital. She was so happy and she did so good! She made Mama proud.

Picture #21

“Baking Cookies with Mommy”

This is something that I had been looking forward to since I became a mom. Baking cookies with my daughter was everything I had dreamed it would be. Ember kept saying “rolllllll it up, rollllll it up” as she stirred around the dough. We had so much fun together and I loved every minute of it. Motherhood gives us these moments that will last us a lifetime. It fills my heart with so much love. This is one of those moments that I truly soaked up with my whole heart.

Picture #22

“A Cooler Full of Love”

This is the perfect picture to sum up motherhood for me. With Ashen, I became an over-producer of breast milk (check out my post on the Hakaa) and I was blessed to have the opportunity to become a breast milk donor for Tiny Treasures Milk Bank. With every cooler that I sent in, it felt like I was sending out coolers of love to other babies in need. It was truly one of THE best experiences I’ve ever had and one that will always connect me to my breastfeeding journey with Ashen. While I did breastfeed Ember, I struggled with my supply and it was so stressful. Ashen was my milk baby, well fed and always happy. I’ll always look back on this time of my life with fond memories.

And I’m done! Thanks so much for following my journey through motherhood. The good and the hard. I strongly encourage you to go back through your own photos. What pictures would make the cut? What pictures would you choose to represent your own journey through motherhood?

Love, Brittany

Loving is Pinning!