Photography Themes for Baby Girl’s First Year

I absolutely love capturing as many moments as I can of my little girl with photography, and that’s an understatement!  When you are in the moment, life seems so hard with an infant and without sleep, you don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.  BUT what I have noticed, is without all of the pictures that I have taken, I wouldn’t remember SO MANY THINGS!  The little expressions she used to make as a newborn, how chunky she got around six months, the mannerisms she developed as she got older; capturing pictures are the keys to my memory.  So TAKE PICTURES!! You won’t regret it.

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On that note, I had a photo shoot for Ember at her newborn, six, nine, and twelve month stages.   (Things got a little crazy for us around her 3 month mark, so we didn’t get professional pictures taken at that time.) I wanted to share the ideas I used for her themes at each one of these stages.  They can all be used at ANY stage of life.  I know how important photos are and how hard it is to come up with ideas, so I hope you will find these useful!  Of course, you can always pay a photographer who will provide back drops, etc.  However, if you are a mom who likes to get creative then this post is for you!  I set up the themes and back drops and my photographer took the pictures.

All photo credits in this post go to Mitchell Bain Photography.

Newborn Session:

For this particular session, our photographer had not yet entered the realm of newborn photography, so he gave us extra time to get the photos that we wanted to capture.  Mitchell won my heart during this session for we got so many EXTRAORDINARY photos that I will treasure forever!  Here are a few of my favorites!

All you need for this cute picture is yourself, your baby, and your husband!  Plus a cute little swaddle to wrap your baby in.  I think it is so important to have pictures of the whole family, and this one was one of my favorites 🙂

This picture is by far, one of my favorite pictures we have.  My photographer did an excellent job with lighting!  I got this idea off of pinterest and it turned out so great!!

I also found this pose on pinterest and my husband fell in love with it.  Super simple and easy to do!  All you need is a good rug or blanket for the background to lay on! We wanted to get a picture with our little one with each of us separately.

This is my favorite picture that I have with my daughter as a newborn.  This picture was actually taken at our house.  My photographer brought a fabric background that we hung up on a wall, and I am actually on my knees in this picture!  Super simplistic and easy to do!  I love how we are off-center as well!

This picture is one I will be doing again with my next baby!  With my husband being a firefighter, it is one that we definitely wanted to capture!  I had purchased a black scarf that I put down in the helmet to make it more comfy for Ember to lay on.  I found one for super cheap at Amazon.  (You can click the link to see the one that I purchased).

I LOVE THIS PICTURE!  I already had a big basket, and I purchased the headband and lacey scarf from Amazon.  My photography provided the white fur to use in the basket, you can find one here.

Mom and dad separately

Six Month Session:

The six month session was definitely one of my favorites!  I love how chubby babies are at that time!  Ember was smiley during this photo shoot too and I loved hearing her baby giggles!  Here is what we decided to do for the themes during this shoot.

The Bath Tub Theme!

What you will need:

The bubble machine was actually a gift to us and it worked so great!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE the bubbles in the background!  The kind we have you can get here.  I have no complaints about it and my daughter loves playing with it now!  The head wrap actually came as part of an outfit as you can see here.  The bath tub, I purchased at target.

Ember got this outfit from her aunt who made this for her!  She actually has a shop on Etsy called BetterInBoots.  If you are interested in your own, you can contact her!  All you need for this photo is a cute outfit, a simple blanket, and a great background!

The last part we did for the 6 month session was a family picture.  I always like to color coordinate!  My husband and I wore shades of blue, while Ember was in a white romper with pink flowers.

Nine Month Session:

Watermelon Theme!

What you will need:

This theme was one of my favorites!! You’ll use the same galvanized tub that you did from the bath tub photo shoot, but this time you’ll turn it upside down!  Find a vintage lantern and water pitcher as nice props for the background.  I also had this wooden barrel I found at an auction.  The cute little watermelon outfit was gifted to Ember, but I found this one on Amazon here, and it is too cute!  You’ll be nothing but smiles with this theme!

Mirror Prop

The only thing you really need for this is a mirror about 3ft tall.  The one I used came out of our bathroom!  I used the DIY “E” on the mirror to bring in some colors and connect the pinks throughout the photo.  Definitely find an adorable romper with ruffles for this one 🙂


Always choose a nice color scheme for your family photos.  This navy color scheme is still one of my favorite family pictures we have ever taken ♥.

12 month Session

Suitcase Prop

What you will need:

This one is an easy theme and super cute!  The suitcase really makes this picture!  And you don’t even really need a backdrop since the angle is towards the floor.  Check the list above for all of the items you can purchase for this photo theme 🙂

Basket Prop

All you need for this picture is the basket, and some of the items mentioned in the above picture ♥.

Cake Smash

What you’ll need:

It’s becoming a trend to do a cake smash for the first birthday, so we decided to do it too!  You’ll need a cute party hat, cake topper, cake stand, and cake!  I hope that you’ll find other uses for this cute and quaint cake stand too!


Again, going with a theme.  My husband and I both wore white, and Ember wore pink.

I hope this post helps make shopping for your photo themes easier and helps give you some cute ideas!  I’d love to hear about any ideas you have for photo themes too!  I’m always looking for creative ideas!  Let me know!

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