The Postpartum Recovery Kit

Hey y’all!  This is something that has been on my mind to write about since I just had a baby.  This post is for the expectant mother or for someone who is looking for some helpful ideas of what to get a mom who has just had a baby.  I think this “kit” would look super cute to be given as a basket.

It is totally normal to get the baby tons of cute and adorable clothes, and us moms absolutely love to receive those gifts for our new bundle of joy.  But, these items are to help mom recover from labor and delivery, and now that I know what I used to help my body recover, I want to give you that knowledge!

Please keep in mind that these items are mainly for vaginal deliveries.

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links.  If you were to make a purchase utilizing one of the links, I can make a profit at no additional charge to you.  As an Amazon Affiliate, I will make earnings on qualifying purchases.

I am not a medical doctor.  It is always best to consult your physician regarding the consumption or treatment of anything during pregnancy.

Here are 5 main items that are VERY useful for the mother who just delivered a baby.


  • Following delivery,  everything “down there” is swollen, not to mention the possible development of hemorrhoids from pushing out a baby.  It’s definitely a little traumatizing for a new mom to even think about having a bowel movement, plus any added pain medications that she may be taking can add to constipation.  I recommend purchasing a 14 day supply so the new mommy won’t need to head to the store for more during her recovery.  You can purchase it here.


  • Dermoplast is probably my FAVORITE item on this list.  It was a life savor for me!  The hospital I delivered at provided their patients with this spray and it was a dream come true.  It provides instant relief from burning and/or itching that may come as the body heals itself following childbirth.  I HIGHLY recommend!  You can purchase them here.

Witch Hazel

  • Witch Hazel is a safe perineum treatment in aiding in the soothing and healing process.  It is recommended that witch hazel be placed on pads and chilled to be used during post-partum recovery.  You can also add ice-chips to help with the swelling too!  You can purchase them here.

  Anti-Itch wipes

  • A friend of mine got these for me after I delivered my first child.  After the stretching (and sometimes tearing) that can occur following childbirth, it is normal to experience itching as the body heals.  These wipes are great to carry on the go and to have at home when you need them!  You can purchase them here.

Chamomile Tea

  • Have you heard of “afterpains” or involution?  These are contractions that occur for two to three days following childbirth as the uterus contracts down to it’s normal size and expels any blood clots.  These took me by surprise after my first child and were much worse after my second.  Many moms of multiple children have reported that these afterpains get worse with each subsequent pregnancy.  I can say that I agree.  Chamomile Tea, Ginger Tea, and Fennel Tea all contain properties that will help afterpains.  My mom actually brought me chamomile tea this go round, and it’s delicious.  While the contractions came on spontaneously, they primarily came about when I was breastfeeding.  I was happy to have something to drink/take to be proactive about it.  This may or may not work for everyone, but it doesn’t hurt to try!  You can purchase it here.

I hope that helps at least give you some ideas for any moms to be you may know!  If you are a mom, what did you use to help with your post partum recovery?  I would love to hear!

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